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There is more pain in a glass of milk than anything else
Grieving mother cows can be heard bellowing day and night for their missing calves
Once you see a mother cow chasing after her new-born calf you know the true price of dairy
We make her pregnant over and over only to steal her babies and take her milk
Mother cows bellow non-stop for their stolen calves, sometimes their calf is kept in sight but not in reach
Both mother and calf will cry for days longing to be reunited
No-one will miss cheese like a baby calf misses their mother
95,000 male calves are shot in the head at birth in the U.K alone
Male calves redundant to the dairy industry know only suffering during their brief time in this world
A dairy cow’s udders can weigh up to 75 kilos and they will often be carrying an unborn calf as well
Selective breeding has enabled dairy cows to produce up to ten times more milk than what is natural
Mastitis, foot rot and laminitis are endemic in the dairy industry
The dairy industry makes a mockery of motherhood
Can you imagine giving birth after 9 months only to have your baby stolen from you?
Cows are naturally very loving mothers
Mother cows are known to cry out in search of their stolen calves for several days even weeks
No dairy cow dies of old age
The dairy industry is the slaughter industry
As many as 20% of ‘spent’ dairy cows are pregnant when slaughtered
As the dairy you consume is mostly from pregnant cows the oestrogen content is through the roof
Dairy is as relevant to prostate cancer as smoking is to lung cancer
Cows milk for humans certainly is a great cancer promoter
Drinking milk for nutrients is like smoking for oxygen
Methane emissions warm the planet in the near-term, and could trigger runaway climate change
Manure from dairy farms poisons groundwater, rivers, and streams
Regardless of vegan, vegetarian or other the soy eaters do the best
I used to melt when I saw cheese – now it makes me angry
Cows’ milk may be cheap but the cost to cows is enormous
For 40 years I believed another species baby’s growth milk was essential for my health
We make her pregnant just to take her babies
Mother cows bellow day and night for their calves to be returned
Some mother cows stop eating when their calf is taken from them
We inflict the most unthinkable pain on mother dairy cows


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There is more pain in a glass of milk than anything else
Grieving mother cows can be heard bellowing day and night for their missing calves
Once you see a mother cow chasing after her new-born calf you know the true price of dairy
We make her pregnant over and over only to steal her babies and take her milk
Mother cows bellow non-stop for their stolen calves, sometimes their calf is kept in sight but not in reach
Both mother and calf will cry for days longing to be reunited
No-one will miss cheese like a baby calf misses their mother
95,000 male calves are shot in the head at birth in the U.K alone
Male calves redundant to the dairy industry know only suffering during their brief time in this world
A dairy cow’s udders can weigh up to 75 kilos and they will often be carrying an unborn calf as well
Selective breeding has enabled dairy cows to produce up to ten times more milk than what is natural
Mastitis, foot rot and laminitis are endemic in the dairy industry
The dairy industry makes a mockery of motherhood
Can you imagine giving birth after 9 months only to have your baby stolen from you?
Cows are naturally very loving mothers
Mother cows are known to cry out in search of their stolen calves for several days even weeks
No dairy cow dies of old age
The dairy industry is the slaughter industry
As many as 20% of ‘spent’ dairy cows are pregnant when slaughtered
As the dairy you consume is mostly from pregnant cows the oestrogen content is through the roof
Dairy is as relevant to prostate cancer as smoking is to lung cancer
Cows milk for humans certainly is a great cancer promoter
Drinking milk for nutrients is like smoking for oxygen
Methane emissions warm the planet in the near-term, and could trigger runaway climate change
Manure from dairy farms poisons groundwater, rivers, and streams
Regardless of vegan, vegetarian or other the soy eaters do the best
I used to melt when I saw cheese – now it makes me angry
Cows’ milk may be cheap but the cost to cows is enormous
For 40 years I believed another species baby’s growth milk was essential for my health
We make her pregnant just to take her babies
Mother cows bellow day and night for their calves to be returned
Some mother cows stop eating when their calf is taken from them
We inflict the most unthinkable pain on mother dairy cows

Daisy’s Sons

Daisy’s sons will be dragged away from her soon after birth as male calves have no use and little value in the dairy industry. Male calves are predominantly born to be killed as they are of simply no use in dairy production, and it’s often cheaper to kill them than rear them for cheap beef or veal. Dairy cows are physically different to cows bred specifically for beef, they are thinner and longer, beef cattle are more muscular and have a stouter shape and more flesh. Therefore, rearing them for beef is simply not profitable. Male dairy calves are surplus to requirement and need to be disposed of one way or another. Some are sold at auction for cheap meat, some are sent to brutal veal farms often involving live export but most are just killed soon after birth.  Despite dairy bosses themselves admitting the killing of male calves  is ‘an own goal’ and the dark side of dairy and there being huge public outrage after footage of the killing of male calves was aired on TV there is no kind, ethical or viable solution to this issue – dairy is a profit orientated business and male calves have no place in the model and are simply surplus to requirement.  

Shooting Males calves

95,000 male calves in the UK alone are taken from their mothers at birth to filthy feedlots to await killing which is usually within a few days of birth. Their first and only few days on this planet are filled with horror and acute trauma. Often without adequate feeding or bedding, their cries for their mothers completely unanswered and moved around without any regard for their physical or emotional welfare. At the earliest convenience they are shot in the head usually in groups, so new-born male calves have to witness those calves shot before them. The shooting of male calves at birth is so dark that many dairy farmers themselves have admitted that they can’t bring themselves personally to do it and instead pay someone from a licensed farm animal killing business to do it for them.   

There is no good way to do a bad thing.

There has been some growth in the use of specific sex semen to ensure no unwanted male calves, but this just means more female dairy calves born, and you only need one to replace the herd, any surplus will be killed anyhow.  An attempt to promote rose veal in the UK where male calves are reared then killed between 8-12 months was not successful and in any case lonely lives and premature brutal deaths are still part and parcel. A few smaller  dairy farms have tried to keep calf with mother for longer and forgone a loss in profits from milk, but these are very few and far between and not economically viable at scale. You see trying to work out a better way to do a bad thing is futile.  Separation of mother cow and new-born calf is pivotal to the functioning of the dairy industry.

Given we are 8 billion people on this planet and growing, dairy production is an industry that is based around large scale farming and has so many dark and wicked practices – all to keep the cheese, ice cream and butter flowing for human consumption. 

Viewers' outrage over harrowing scenes of day-old calves being shot just ...
WARNING UPSETTING CONTENT: The images of three Jersey calves being killed were filmed to highlight the grim reality of the dairy industry.

Unwanted male calves in the UK if not shot soon after birth will be sold at auction for cheap beef or to be exported to the continent to be raised for veal.

Sold at Auction

Can you imagine the trauma for these vulnerable new born baby calves, torn from their mothers, treated like commodities, being carted around from place to place sometimes going hungry, paraded at auctions and marketplaces until they are sold, during their first few weeks in this world? Some can barely walk and helplessly cower before the onlookers. 

The Veal Connection

Many of these calves will be destined for low welfare veal farms on the continent, and they will endure long distance journeys on ferries and lorries that can last for days and many calves don’t survive the journey or become very ill. To create the pale tender white veal flesh that is most popular on the continent calves are kept in confinement and darkness and often chained at the neck to ensure they don’t walk around in the hutch and make their muscles strong and fed low iron diets to make them anaemic before slaughter. They are fed milk replacer, which can be laced with antibiotics in order to control the diarrhoea that is caused by an inadequate diet. In addition to suffering from diarrhoea, pneumonia, and lameness as a result of this anaemia calves raised for veal are terrified and desperate for their mothers. They are slaughtered at four to five months of age. Calves can be so crippled from confinement that they have to be helped into the truck or trailer on the way to the slaughter plant.

Male Dairy Calves Around the World


Male dairy calves (literally new born babies) exported to France from Ireland, having endured a torturous journey in their first weeks on this Earth, are then beaten and abused.

ISPCA condemns ‘cruel handling’ of Irish calves in France
Department welcomes progress in investigation after video shows animals being abused

New Zealand

Largely grass fed dairy cows, the fate for mother and baby calf is the same horror as everywhere in dairy – grass fed means nothing to a mother cow bellowing for her stolen new born calf or a vulnerable calf being denied its mother and her milk, man handled and electronically prodded to its death. 


Farmworkers so desensitised that calling a new born calf a c..t and throwing them to their death is all part of a days work.  Bludgeoning to death a new calf with a hammer is considered ‘humane’.


Unwanted male calves are killed by starvation and then stuffed and placed near the mother who can see her calf but not reach them in order to stimulate her milk production.

Bobby – a calf who has no monetary value to the dairy industry due to being the wrong sex, the wrong breed, or simply surplus to the needed numbers of animals. These innocent babies, who don’t ask to be born, are picked up by a truck at four days old and taken to their deaths. Bobby calves are animals who are quite literally born to die. The babies aren’t ‘needed,’ but their mothers are required to give birth to them so that they will produce milk for the farmer. Their babies are then killed at the earliest convenience.

Jackie Scurr, ex dairy farmer turned vegan 

Dairy Farmer of 18 Years Says Cows Are Devastated When Their Calves Are Stolen
Now vegan, the former dairy farmer rejects the very idea of farming mothers for their milk.

Mother to Mother

Daisy barely gets to know the sex of her calf before it is stolen from her – she has no idea of the horrific fate of her male calf (her precious baby) whom she carried for nine months. Male calves are just like female calves, they are just new-born babies who need their mother’s nurture. Our dairy products are built upon this suffering, it has to be like this so long as we consume dairy products. Calves will be taken from mothers at birth and the male calves who are surplus to requirement will be dealt with. 


Dairy’s ‘dirty secret’: it's still cheaper to kill male calves than to ...
Dairy farms need female cows to produce milk but with little demand for male calves many farmers can’t afford to keep them beyond birth
Farming Boss Describes Mass Slaughter Of Dairy Calves As 'Own Goal'
Around 95,000 male calves are killed in the UK every year soon after birth, according to industry data