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There is more pain in a glass of milk than anything else
Grieving mother cows can be heard bellowing day and night for their missing calves
Once you see a mother cow chasing after her new-born calf you know the true price of dairy
We make her pregnant over and over only to steal her babies and take her milk
Mother cows bellow non-stop for their stolen calves, sometimes their calf is kept in sight but not in reach
Both mother and calf will cry for days longing to be reunited
No-one will miss cheese like a baby calf misses their mother
95,000 male calves are shot in the head at birth in the U.K alone
Male calves redundant to the dairy industry know only suffering during their brief time in this world
A dairy cow’s udders can weigh up to 75 kilos and they will often be carrying an unborn calf as well
Selective breeding has enabled dairy cows to produce up to ten times more milk than what is natural
Mastitis, foot rot and laminitis are endemic in the dairy industry
The dairy industry makes a mockery of motherhood
Can you imagine giving birth after 9 months only to have your baby stolen from you?
Cows are naturally very loving mothers
Mother cows are known to cry out in search of their stolen calves for several days even weeks
No dairy cow dies of old age
The dairy industry is the slaughter industry
As many as 20% of ‘spent’ dairy cows are pregnant when slaughtered
As the dairy you consume is mostly from pregnant cows the oestrogen content is through the roof
Dairy is as relevant to prostate cancer as smoking is to lung cancer
Cows milk for humans certainly is a great cancer promoter
Drinking milk for nutrients is like smoking for oxygen
Methane emissions warm the planet in the near-term, and could trigger runaway climate change
Manure from dairy farms poisons groundwater, rivers, and streams
Regardless of vegan, vegetarian or other the soy eaters do the best
I used to melt when I saw cheese – now it makes me angry
Cows’ milk may be cheap but the cost to cows is enormous
For 40 years I believed another species baby’s growth milk was essential for my health
We make her pregnant just to take her babies
Mother cows bellow day and night for their calves to be returned
Some mother cows stop eating when their calf is taken from them
We inflict the most unthinkable pain on mother dairy cows


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There is more pain in a glass of milk than anything else
Grieving mother cows can be heard bellowing day and night for their missing calves
Once you see a mother cow chasing after her new-born calf you know the true price of dairy
We make her pregnant over and over only to steal her babies and take her milk
Mother cows bellow non-stop for their stolen calves, sometimes their calf is kept in sight but not in reach
Both mother and calf will cry for days longing to be reunited
No-one will miss cheese like a baby calf misses their mother
95,000 male calves are shot in the head at birth in the U.K alone
Male calves redundant to the dairy industry know only suffering during their brief time in this world
A dairy cow’s udders can weigh up to 75 kilos and they will often be carrying an unborn calf as well
Selective breeding has enabled dairy cows to produce up to ten times more milk than what is natural
Mastitis, foot rot and laminitis are endemic in the dairy industry
The dairy industry makes a mockery of motherhood
Can you imagine giving birth after 9 months only to have your baby stolen from you?
Cows are naturally very loving mothers
Mother cows are known to cry out in search of their stolen calves for several days even weeks
No dairy cow dies of old age
The dairy industry is the slaughter industry
As many as 20% of ‘spent’ dairy cows are pregnant when slaughtered
As the dairy you consume is mostly from pregnant cows the oestrogen content is through the roof
Dairy is as relevant to prostate cancer as smoking is to lung cancer
Cows milk for humans certainly is a great cancer promoter
Drinking milk for nutrients is like smoking for oxygen
Methane emissions warm the planet in the near-term, and could trigger runaway climate change
Manure from dairy farms poisons groundwater, rivers, and streams
Regardless of vegan, vegetarian or other the soy eaters do the best
I used to melt when I saw cheese – now it makes me angry
Cows’ milk may be cheap but the cost to cows is enormous
For 40 years I believed another species baby’s growth milk was essential for my health
We make her pregnant just to take her babies
Mother cows bellow day and night for their calves to be returned
Some mother cows stop eating when their calf is taken from them
We inflict the most unthinkable pain on mother dairy cows


Dairy & Health

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Dairy and Suffering

Daisy’s Story

Daisy was snatched from her mother at birth birth, the farmer took her off in a wheelbarrow just a few hours after being born, slammed into an isolation hutch, 3 hours out of the womb. She knew nothing but loneliness and suffering. She spent the first months of her life

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Dairy & Health

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Dairy and Suffering

Not your mother, not your milk

Humans are the only species that consumes the maternal milk of another species. You just don’t see this anywhere else in nature. A mothers maternal milk is designed specifically to rear her offspring.  Cows’ milk has four times the protein and fat of human milk to raise a calf to

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Dairy and Suffering

Violence is Inherent in the Dairy Industry

  The sheer number of cows involved in dairy farming today means violence is inevitable and everywhere.  Whether it’s unskilled workers dragging a calf from the womb, beating and electrically prodding stubborn cows to the milking parlour, dragging a spent dairy cow along with a fork lift truck, tossing baby

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Dairy & Health

Dairy & Puberty

  Cows are kept pregnant all year round. They give birth and within six weeks they are forcibly impregnated again. As a result of this almost constant pregnancy, their sex hormones including oestrogen are sky high. These hormones go into the milk,  their maternal milk, and therefore the dairy products

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